
EURA 2018: Hvordan forene fortidas og framtidas urbane og regionale fortrinn?

Det er temaet for årets konferanse i European Urban Research Association (EURA), som finner sted ved universitetet i den nederlandske byen Tilburg 21. – 23. juni. Fristen for å sende inn abstracts er 31. januar, og forslag kan leveres her. Årets ni tematracks Citizenship in city and region; changing patterns of civic attachment? Multi-level governance […]

Det er temaet for årets konferanse i European Urban Research Association (EURA), som finner sted ved universitetet i den nederlandske byen Tilburg 21. – 23. juni.

Fristen for å sende inn abstracts er 31. januar, og forslag kan leveres her.

Årets ni tematracks

  1. Citizenship in city and region; changing patterns of civic attachment?
  2. Multi-level governance capacity: new dilemmas in regional settings
  3. Managing Urban and Regional Competitiveness
  4. Corners of Europe – overcoming disadvantages of path-dependency and location
  5. Innovations within and between urban regions: network learning as a regional catalyst
  6. Transformations in city-regional law and governance
  7. Assessing urban and regional safety and security in the network society: challenges for policy and governance
  8. The global energy transition as a boundary crossing problem
  9.  Transformations in sustainable development

Fra arrangøren

Cities and regions are facing a transition from industrial economy, society, city and government, to creative and knowledge-based ones. The mere lay-out of the city – in almost every respect – and its government are the results of past developments. Present policy issues, however, transgress territorial borders, which implies that addressing them requires innovative and adaptive cross-border co-operation. They also have to deal with the existing economic, societal, and physical context, while they – at the same time – necessitate smart approaches and smart solutions.

How can we understand – and assess – the relationships between ‘old’ and ‘new’ characteristics of cities and regions? Can ‘old’ strengths contribute to the emergence and developments of ‘new’ strengths? Are their relations adversary or supportive or do we rather need a destruction of old structures and a creation of new ones? What kind of transformations do we witness, what kind of transformations do we need, evolution or replacement? These and other intriguing questions are the topics of the 2018 EURA Conference.

Foto: Reino Baptista, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

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